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Just Breathe

Updated: May 22, 2023

Breathing is the most important thing we can do each day! I'm not talking about breathing our breath to survive, I mean conscious breathing to move energy through our body to cope with the mental or physical stressors in our daily lives.

Take a few minutes out of your day for 5-5-5 breathing.

Breathe a deep belly breath in through your nose for the count of 5.

Hold for the count of 5.

Release through your mouth slowly for 5.

Repeat 3x!

On the 3rd release, breathe out forcefully through your mouth with noise. Ahhhh!

Watch how it changes how you feel instantly!

Doing this daily will allow your body to reset if it is holding stress. Remember, breathing is usually an automatic bodily function. We often hold our breath unknowingly and/or allow stress to build up in your system. Try conscious breathing and transform the way you feel. We always have access to breath, why not use it!?

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